Dogsledding across the Arctic Ocean

Will Steger’s International Arctic Project - 1993 to 1996


Photography of explorer Will Steger's International Arctic Project expedition across the Arctic Ocean from Russia to Canada via the North Pole, including two preceding training trips and a subsequent "Polar Blast" journey by Steger colleagues.  Participants: Will Steger (leader), Victor Boyarsky (co-leader), Takano Takako, Julie Hansen, Ulrich Vedel, Martin Hignell, Paul Pregont, Mille Porsild, Gordon Wiltsie and three dog teams

This was one of the very first expeditions to send daily updates via satellite and - in the earliest days of the internet - spread warnings of climate change to a network of teachers and students across the country.


Mushing in the Midnight Sun is available as a Mini-Print!

Mushing in the Midnight Sun - Mini-Print

Polar explorer Will Steger mushes across the frozen Arctic Ocean, bathed in glow from the midnight sun. - Handmade Mini-Print, including matte, mount and frame, featuring photography by Gordon Wiltsie.

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