Lost Inca City, Peru

Incan Archaeology in Cordillera Vilcabamba, 2002

A National Geographic archaeology team uncovers an ancient Incan townsite and ingenious network of irrigation canals atop a mountain in Peru’s Cordillera Vilcabamba, including a stop at Choquequirau, a ceremonial center rivalling Machu Picchu. 

Participants: Peter Frost, Scott Gorsuch, Madison Roswell, Dr. Ives Bejar, Lizbeth Rodriguez, Miguel Colque, Ben Wiltsie and Gordon Wiltsie. 


Rogue Horse is available as a Mini-Print!

Rogue Horse - Mini-Print

While packing up in the rain, A Peruvian arriero blindfolds a half-wild horse to keep it from bucking while he loads it for a hard day on the trail Cordillera Vilcabamba, Peru. - Handmade Mini-Print, including matte, mount and frame, featuring photography by Gordon Wiltsie.

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