What is AlpenImage?

For almost forty years AlpenImage has been a family partnership that has mobilized friends, adventurers and experts in many fields to create expeditions and other unique projects, enabling pictures that have helped to shape world perceptions about exploration, wilderness, diverse cultures and our human role as stewards of a fragile planet.  

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Over the years, and in partnership with leading publications, progressive companies and a variety of non-profits we have played a quiet role in the growth of modern adventure sports, eco-tourism and an appreciation of the world around us. 

We believe in becoming an actual part of the stories we create and are proud of our long friendships and collaborations with some of the leading explorers, adventurers and other thought leaders of our time. 

Under the leadership of veteran explorer & National Geographic photographer Gordon Wiltsie and his wife and founding partner Meredith, AlpenImage has long earned the experience and partnerships to get many different kinds of assignments done quickly, under budget and beyond expectations, anywhere from urban San Francisco to the wildest and remotest corners of the earth. 

It’s all about teamwork and as part of moving ahead, we are proud to announce that our son Ben has just joined us for the long haul as a new partner, visionary and interim general manager of AlpenImage, Ltd. As many of you know, Ben grew up in the midst of far-flung AlpenImage assignments, often in front of the camera, and after many other exciting ventures of his own, he recently earned an MBA to help him get things done.  We’re honored to be part of his plans and already he has brought us new energy, perspectives from a younger generation and knowledge to help further carry our missions forward into the future. 

We are excited to see what new life he brings us!


Dogsledding across the Arctic Ocean


Looking Forward