Our Focus

What we Care About

From our very beginnings, we in the AlpenImage family have been rooted in the beauty of the world around us, a passion to explore ever wilder places and a mission to use photography to help make people care about protecting the only planet we have.

Natural beauty inspires us all. Earth’s landscapes and the webs of life that live within them connect us to something greater than ourselves. But beauty can be fleeting. Few scenes look the same way twice. It is the work of an artist to capture the moment when the light, weather and mood best reveal its wonders.

Human culture is the manifestation of people’s adaptations to the landscapes and circumstances that create them, each as different from another as the faces of our planet itself: from Bedouins riding camels in the desert to Inuits hunting seals atop an ice floe.

From exploring our backyards and local foothills to venturing higher into the mountains and even wilder landscapes around the world, We have always been driven by a spirit for adventure...
Venturing to new places and challenging ourselves beyond our comfort may be exhausting and dangerous, but each new journey extends our understanding of both the planet and ourselves, messages we strive to share.



Introducing Our Interactive Database


Announcing the Photography Archive